Thursday, April 22, 2010

Getting Flex 3.6 SDK, Flashbuilder 4, Tomcat, and BlazeDS to all play nice?

Ok, I'll be honest, I haven't gotten Blaze to play nicely yet, but I haven't had anything to setup w/ it yet.  I'm connecting to a previous setup that used Tomcat to connect to OLAP, and I'm recreating it in FB4 instead of Spring Suite tools.  Much of my team prefers STS, but I am comfortable right now in my efficiency in FB3/4, so I blogged yesterday about wiring up the Flex 3.6 SDK

Connecting to a Tomcat server was the last hurdle before I get to a BlazeDS, and so I found this nice little plugin that I couldn't get from any other source.  For some reason, Tomcat isn't supported easily on Eclipse 3.5, and I'm not a fan of the standalone Flash Builder.  I prefer the Eclipse plugins, and found this would help me stay within the Eclipse.

This was a very nice find.  I simply put the package in my eclipse plugin folder, and immediately when I restarted Eclipse, I had a Tomcat option on my toolbar.  In the preferences pane (Command+,) I could point the plugin at my Tomcat install, and away I go. 

Now I can setup keyboard shortcuts (like Command+shift+t) to start/restart, or stop Tomcat.  The information from eclipsetotale is quite helpful, and I'm glad I came across it.

Now to get down to some hardcore devving


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  1. An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
