Tricks to getting a multi-site Drupal7 installed on CentOS w/ Apache2, mySQL.
Follow these two posts, more or less. The biggest point of advice is that for each url that isn't a subdomain should point to the same url (i.e. [] v. [] v. [])
These are suggested reading sites, but none of them are exact, always referencing ubuntu or other linux distros...mine was a little different.
The most important thing is to have drush installed (mentioned in my other post). That makes installing everything else move quite quickly.
This doesn't have to be the same for everyone, but here are my steps:
1) cd /var/www/vhosts/drupal7 (if vhosts or drupal7 doesn't exist, create them)
2) drush dl drupal
before step 3, make sure to create the databases you need
pre-3a) mysql -u userName -p (this user is your sql admin user name, same or different from drupal db's)
pre-3b) create database YourMySQLDbName;
pre-3c) grant all on YourMySQLDbName.* to YourMySQLUserName@localhost identified by 'PasswordYouSet';
3) drush site-install standard --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin --db-url=mysql://YourMySQLUserName:PasswordYouSet@localhost/YourMySQLDbName
4) vi /etc/http/conf.d/drupal7.conf (make this if it doesn't exist yet)
5) paste the following in, save, then quit:
Alias drupal7
<Directory /var/www/vhosts/drupal7>
Options +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
order allow,deny
allow from all
6) vi /etc/http/conf.d/00_drupal.conf (make this if it doesn't exist yet)
one thing I've learned about apache is that the apache configuration file works alphabetically, and this file is the configuration for all virtualhosts (which allows us to have the multi-sites installed correctly)
7) paste the following in, save, then quit:
NameVirtualHost *:80
<Directory /var/www/vhosts>
AllowOverride All
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerPath /drupal7
DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/drupal7
ServerName drupal7
8) apachectl restart
you should still be in the /var/www/vhosts/drupal7 directory
9) cp -a default/ sites/ (create it if it doesn't exist)
this should move over the files/ folder, settings.php and default.settings.php
10) chmod a+w sites/
chmod a+w sites/
11) vi sites/sites.php
at the bottom of the file, you should add a line for each site you're installing. This hash is useful for finding the website and folders based on the apache setup (we'll get to that shortly). Add the following:
$sites['nickname'] = '' (this is the folder path in drupal7/sites/
save and exit
12) now for your newly added site, we need to append info to the conf file so apache knows to redirect correctly to the sites.php file which will redirect to the correct folder which will show the correct site
vi /etc/http/conf.d/00_drupal.conf
at the bottom, add:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/drupal7/sites/
ServerName nickname
repeat for each new site
13) Finally change the settings for the newest site added:
vi sites/
change the database information for your new site
14) now setup your site:
15) after setup, change the folder and file permissions back
16) pat yourself on the back, it's all done :) - maybe a drush script for multi-site would be useful?
LordB8r's ramblings, notes, and posts. These are my thoughts and answers to my own expirements on Ruby, Rails, Flex, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Scala, robots, independent contracting, coffee, scotch, beer, and anything that makes me curious (just not tax codes, anything but tax codes).
Monday, September 30, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Drupal 7 on OSX 10.8, with Apache 2.2, MySQL, and PHP 5
This post is more about my experience of using a local instance of Drupal on my OSX box. The following are links about resources I found extremely helpful. Basically, I installed 2 versions (Drupal 7.2 and , and you have to jump through some hoops because although OSX ships with Apache and PHP, you need to now enable some settings (via cmd line or other tools) in order to have web sharing activated again (the silly prompt from the Preferences Pane is now gone *insert_sad_face*)
1) This one helped me get the AMP stack going on my box (it also had some good step by step instructions about using phpMyAdmin)
2) Getting a few steps closer, this site gave me some more info about getting the info setup correctly for Drupal as well as AMP stack
3) A few stack overflow links
4) And I cannot forget the infallible directions from
5) and for good measure, once I installed phpMyAdmin, the help docs helped :)
So almost all of this got me to the right place, though it took a few hours to get screens working, and the DB didn't want to initially work. Why? Well, because the pdo_mysql.default_socket was not commented out...huh? Yeah, it didn't make sense to me for a bit. I searched lord google for things about the following error messages:
Warning: PDO::__construct(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///tmp/mysqld.sock)
Yeah, that kind of message didn't help at all, until I started changing my php.ini file around, and realized that that specific line, though correct (in a couple different ways, might I add), was wrong. My uneducated guess is that pdo_mysql is for Unix only, and as I am on OSX, it was wrong. Just commenting it out made it all better, install scripts started running on both installs, cats and dogs started sleeping together, and donuts began raining from the heavens...Ok, the last two didn't happen, but still, I hope this helps someone else besides me.
1) This one helped me get the AMP stack going on my box (it also had some good step by step instructions about using phpMyAdmin)
2) Getting a few steps closer, this site gave me some more info about getting the info setup correctly for Drupal as well as AMP stack
3) A few stack overflow links
4) And I cannot forget the infallible directions from
5) and for good measure, once I installed phpMyAdmin, the help docs helped :)
So almost all of this got me to the right place, though it took a few hours to get screens working, and the DB didn't want to initially work. Why? Well, because the pdo_mysql.default_socket was not commented out...huh? Yeah, it didn't make sense to me for a bit. I searched lord google for things about the following error messages:
Warning: PDO::__construct(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///tmp/mysqld.sock)
Yeah, that kind of message didn't help at all, until I started changing my php.ini file around, and realized that that specific line, though correct (in a couple different ways, might I add), was wrong. My uneducated guess is that pdo_mysql is for Unix only, and as I am on OSX, it was wrong. Just commenting it out made it all better, install scripts started running on both installs, cats and dogs started sleeping together, and donuts began raining from the heavens...Ok, the last two didn't happen, but still, I hope this helps someone else besides me.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Setting up Jenkins on CentOS
It's been a while since I needed to install Jenkins, but I'm getting to the point where I'd like my code in GitHub (eventually pushed down to my own Git server on my CentOS box, once I figure out SSH), to be checked against tests whenever commits are made. Jenkins is the most kick-ass CI tool I know about. Setting it up is relatively easy, and getting it to play with Github is a cinch.
I followed the following steps to get it mostly up and running:
The only thing I'm not completely sure about is AJP. This is something outside the realm of my experience, and if it breaks, or if I have to learn more, I will, but for now, I want my box to pull against my repo, and if there's a change, pull, run tests, notify developers (rinse, repeat).
The only issue I really ran into was that Jenkins didn't run on the default java I had installed, so a quick update to my CentOS java via:
yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
And now I have Jenkins up and running on CentOS!
Next is to figure out some good ole VPN fun, and then SSH (or the other way around).
I followed the following steps to get it mostly up and running:
The only thing I'm not completely sure about is AJP. This is something outside the realm of my experience, and if it breaks, or if I have to learn more, I will, but for now, I want my box to pull against my repo, and if there's a change, pull, run tests, notify developers (rinse, repeat).
The only issue I really ran into was that Jenkins didn't run on the default java I had installed, so a quick update to my CentOS java via:
yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
And now I have Jenkins up and running on CentOS!
Next is to figure out some good ole VPN fun, and then SSH (or the other way around).
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